Bioenergetic Breath Work Ceremony

Floating light as a feather in space, I am the cosmos. The serene peace bathing my existence floods every one of my senses creating the most euphoric experience I have endeavored upon. 

This is real medicine.

My handsome husband guided me through my first bioenergeticbreakwork ceremony this morning. As I lay on a violet Liforme yoga mat blindfolded with a Mindfold, absolutely no light can enter my visual field but still my eyes are wide open and I am the witness to the most amazing pure bright white light.

My body no longer feels pain. There are no narratives playing in my head. There is only extreme bliss dripping from every cell of my body saturated with the divine frequency of me.

The ultimate divine feminine frequency vibrates within and all around me. I forget about the self-limiting beliefs my history once told me. I am finally free.

Ok queen, everyone needs to know about this because it is good shit. Like cancel your therapist session, set up your sacred space and let’s heal because this is legit.

There is a new way to heal in 2022. We are releasing our controlling, traditional tendency to fix this symptom by prescribing that and we are surrendering to the openness of new medicine, getting to the root of the illness through releasing stored energy through these ancient practices.

The amount of “work” I just completed in a 1 hour breath session would have taken years if not decades to work through with a therapist. How?

Because through your breath you release stagnant energy, carbon dioxide and break through the tension in the body. Most people never even realize it’s there. They think their diagnosis is because of genetics, the food they eat, a faulty “body” but the truth is.. everything is energy; anatomy is just a small percentage of what you actually are. 

To blow your mind even more, chew on this idea; your physiology can directly be transmuted into a more efficient operating state through your breath. 

For example. You want to lose weight right? Did you know that 84% of fat lost is exhaled? Yes when you exercise and nourish your body with what it needs the mechanism behind burning fat is through metabolism of adipose (fat) cells into carbon dioxide which is released through exhalation.

Cool huh?

&& All those pesky mental blocks that are keeping you from being the healthy, 100% divine feminine goddess you are.. Those can be released with breath too. 

So make it a priority to stay open to the new pathway of healing. Medicine does not have to be a pill in a bottle, numerous visits to doctors who keep reciting the same advice they have been trained to, numerous tests and endless referrals. Medicine is personalized. It is uniquely what you need & it all comes down to energy.

Open up your heart to receive exactly what you need. If you are down to discover tremendous healing through bioenergetic breathwork.. I know an amazing pranayama facilitator <3



