
Did you know 4 million people in the US alone suffer from constipation?

Our Standard American Diet (SAD) creates inflammation in the GI tract making it difficult to digest our food

😭We feel bloated

😖Unable to completely evacuate

🥺Wishing we could just clear out everything our body is holding onto

Recently I’ve been working with pelvic floor physical therapists to uncover the truth of how to heal from high rectal tone most healthcare providers have

😬Due to their Type A personality

😵‍💫Inability to use the restroom when working

🤭Lack of implementation of relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and breath work

& I’ve learned so much!

Ready to discover simple lifestyle modifications you can use to heal?

I offer 1:1 lifestyle coaching to walk you through

🍎 Foods you should focus on to bring water into the small & large intestines to promote healthy bowel movements

💩Proper body alignment, bowel massage and bathroom habits to train your gut to move when you have the time & space to have a BM

🧘‍♂️ Yoga sequences, meditation & breathing techniques to enhance the mind body connection, strengthen the core and balance your root chakra so you can get back to feeling easily able to release what no longer serves you

Practice this mantra daily to stimulate neuroplasticity (that’s rewiring your brain) to heal

🥳 I allow fresh vital energy to easily flow through me & I release what no longer serves me with ease


Bioenergetic Breath Work Ceremony


Trust the Universe