Eclipse Season

Hello there beautiful soul!

Can you feel the heat of this eclipse season? For me it’s been a deep invitation to redirect my focus inward. To be honest, I can get super focused the OUT POUR of energy like providing extra time with patients, spending hours after clinic coaching my AMAZING clients, teaching yoga classes, hosting student networking events, traveling to speak CME meetings, providing for my family and much, much more.

This has obviously been the source of my “burn out” in the past and with each new chapter of healing, growing, transforming and leading I discover how to UPLEVEL my practice.

For example I’ve been making time for me. Enriching my yoga practice with deeply satisfying group sessions. The energy is positively palpable and it is incredibly healing. Booking full body massage hours with my favorite massage therapist, allowing Lupita at my favorite Spa in Winter Park to soothe my face with the ooh soo amazing gentle facial. And honestly just leaning in to me. How do I feel? How do I look? (Fabulous of course) How do I move?

Typically I’m dressed up in black suede high heels, flow through the office in a pink hourglass dress and always add a little sparkle to my eyeshadow.

This eclipse season invites us to reminisce upon what evolution we have inevitably experienced during the last two year cycle. How have we grown? What dreams have manifested? What toxic ties have been broken? What unhealthy relationships have fallen away?

For me, I’ve grown immensely. I’ve transitioned into a incredible leadership role as a PA-C, now President Elect of the American Association of PAs. I presented a lecture on Improving Resilience as a Surgical PA Through the Daily Practice of Meditation TWICE!! And even lead group yoga sessions at our Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference.

From working with clients 1:1 every now and then to launching my first group coaching program inside of Detox to Heal, from offering full moon circles with my close family (mom, dad and sister -I LOVE YOU GUYS) to now leading full moon circles with 10-30 people in attendance, from wishing I could climb higher, do a hip key and even perform on aerial silks to accomplishing these tricks, performing for the first time in a “mini broadway show” The Little Mermaid and even performing with my daughter at birthday parties!! Life’s seriously a dream come true.

I broke toxic ties with myself - stories of limiting beliefs like “I wasn’t good enough” or “I was silly to pursue such big dreams”. I lovingly detached from unhealthy relationships and stood my ground for my health, my peace, my beliefs when there was no other option. During these pruning exercises, I’ve cultivated deeper compassion for myself, established authority in my professional and personal life and deepened my own self Trust.

So take a moment to deeply reflect on all you have been through. Celebrate your growth and focus your energy on HOW AMAZING YOU TRULY ARE!

I’d love to hear what you have discovered. Send me an email at <3

As Always,

No Matter What Never Give Up On Your Healing

Allow this eclipse season to carry you to the next level.

Love you always,

XOXO Michelle Dellene


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