The Wild is Calling Me

This morning during my Sādhanā something wild happened. I was pulled to look in the mirror and my reflection was once that was completely new to me. My eyes danced with the brightness of a wild fire 🔥 and my heart shattered the softness of my mask I’ve been presenting to the world. In an instant I felt as if all the veils of illusion evaporated and I finally saw my inner wild woman as she really is 🐆. She stated with concrete Truth, “The Wild is Calling”. Electricity sparked nervous system, my body charged with the Divine energy empowering me to follow my soul’s compass.

It left me shaken, ready to go at the presentation of the very next sign from the Universe. It felt odd, uneasy and unreal to follow the routine of the civilized woman getting in the car, leaving the house at a certain time, “going to work”.

In between patients and clinical duties I had the opportunity to allow this rich creativity pour from my senses onto the page artistically crafted as a poem.

The Wild is Calling Me

This indescribable yearning bellows from the depths of my soul

She screams for me to follow her into the unknown

Waves crashing and burning, fierce love swirling and swirling

Inside of me, no one can hide from me

I hear her loud and clear and it is uncomfortable to sit still

I hold my inner child and sway her back to sleep

My ego holds the greater part of me and says “shush back to sleep”




The storm of Shakti darkens within my infinite walls of Self - she thrashes and crashes, screams and dreams




I will not be anything less than me


Eclipse Season


Dive into the Darkness