
Yes You Did

We all are walking the journey of remembering who we truly are

What if I told you all of us come from the cosmos? 

Our deep innate being is more connected to each other & our reality 

What if I told you, the creator of everything you see, everything you know to be is a reflection of your energy? 

Would you believe me? Have you ever questioned what is true? Have you ever pondered your essence, your existence your purpose? 

I’ve recognized that when we remove all the distracting sensations we are truly able to find ourselves, observe our magic and vividly dream with our eyes wide open 

Yesterday, I had the absolutely amazing opportunity of practicing sensory deprivation floating in warm viscous salt water in complete silence and darkness 

At first my body was resisting to settle and my body swayed back and forth in the water like a boat sways in the ocean 

My muscles wouldn’t quite relax and I felt like a wooden board inviting in transformation to a wet noodle 

I kept my eyes open and breathed 

I felt my body rise out of the water with the depth of my inhales and sink ever so slightly upon expiration

Thankfully my skeleton released, my muscles softened and my hands rest comfortably open wide 

The mind is quite amusing in a setting like that

At first busy it soon quieted accompanied by the new bewilderment of complete darkness with my eyes wide open

From a physiological perspective this optic nerve deafferentation experience enhanced the ability of my occipital lobe to perceive visions from within my skull in place of outside of myself 

I started to dream with my eyes wide open

I saw the colorful glimmering night sky, the cosmos felt as if they were becoming a part of me easily flowing into and out of my physical body into the space around me which was limitless, which I recognized was also my presence 

The space confined inside of my skull felt vast, deep and wide; infinitely expanding 

Black and white cartoon-like, animations of pages of book assumed my existence 

The pages of me moved in a choppy manner, by the element of fire only to be appreciated from the result of alchemy without true observation of the elemental transformation 

Completely blissful, my imagination bathed my afferent neurons with euphoria, enlightenment and samadhi 

Still has a leaf settled a top a calm pond, I floated as a Lilly pad in the dark night 

I met myself in a way I never expected, wide arms and connected 

I felt assured I was everything, time, love, space, reality, light & the cosmos 

For those of you reading this not sure what to believe.. I’ll share with you my key




All stimulate neuroplasticity

Rewire your brain to change the name of the game 

What you seek will find you 

&& you too will see, we’re all magic 

You & ME 🥰




MD’s Unique Edge