
Listen to Your Body

My coach gives me a thumbs up and says, “Great job! You’re all set”. He thought I’d finished competing in all my categories for the morning and ready was I to relax for remainder of the judging session.

Relieved, I grabbed my satin robe, freed my feet from my rainbow sparkle high heels and slipped on my Steve Madden sandals. Lovely I felt, like a dolled up princess now comfortable in her lounging attire.

Then something in be clicked. If I had any hair left of my body it was standing straight up like an antenna and my gut pulled me to the backstage area. It was like my mind couldn’t really make sense of the situation but my body has learned to trust my intuition, and so my pretty little feet guided me.

One of my new best friends and fellow bikini competition contestant sees me and exclaims, “There you are! They were looking for you!” For me? I thought.. “Yes, you’re up next”.

Without further questioning I book it to the dressing room and back on my sparkling high heels go, I fluff my hair and say goodbye to the warmth of my robe. I pull up the sides of my bikini bottoms, take a final look at my presentation. Off to the stage I go!

I made it just in time. “Number 18”, calls out the backstage expediter. I slip into line and hold my pose, smile bright and thank the lord for my willingness to listen.

The truth is the universe has incredible gifts waiting for us in each and every moment of our lives. The present is named just so to reflect the beauty of being here and now. Yesterday was a memory, tomorrow will be the future and today is a gift, that is why it is called the present 🎁

I placed 2nd in that category, received a trophy and couldn’t believe my ears when they called me front stage to receive my award. That moment was incredible. But even more so, I was proud of myself for my intuitive development, to be calm enough to be able to feel my body’s cues, to be mentally quiet enough to hear my inner thoughts and strong enough to take that step out of my comfort zone and walk into the unknown.

To trust yourself fully in your presence, your gut feeling, your intuition, to discern the truth and to take action in the appropriate direction is living in flow.

This beautiful current of life is walking the line of the Tao. It’s taking the path less traveled by. It’s making space for the future you wish to create.

Even when your mentor, friend, coach, loved one recommends a certain path.. I encourage you to listen to your body because it knows EXACTLY what you need.

It may not make sense to your cognitive brain, it may feel uneasy to step into the unknown, your hair may stand on end and initially be perceived as fear.

But fear can be transformed into excitement with breath. So breathe deep, trust yourself and take that leap of faith.

Something amazing is waiting for you on the other side 😉


Fly High

